A Day of Firsts

First band aid

Ugh, worst mom in the world moment..... instead of clipping Beckett's thumb nail I basically clipped off his entire thumb. He didn't cry very much, but it wouldn't stop bleeding. I felt like such a dork! So today he had his first, of what I'm sure will be many, band aid. He also wore his first pair of shoes, ate sucked on his first real-food breakfast (apples and strawberries), and pulled on my dangly earrings for the first time. Needless to say this will be my last time wearing dangly earrings for a very long time. I don't mind. I've never been one to really enjoy dressing up, but I'm finding my wardrobe choices becoming more and more about comfort and function than fashion. I never do anything more with my hair than straighten it (on the good days), and I only wear pants that can be comfortably sat in on the floor and not stretched out (yoga, sweats, or the occasional pair of jeans that has a serious stretchy quality to them). All shirts must be nursing/pumping friendly, and easily camouflage spit up. It's very funny how your perspective and priorities change with a baby. 

First shoes. 
This picture was sneakily taken before church started.