Time To Laugh

Ladies, after having my car impounded I decided it's time for a good laugh. And I'm sure we could all use one, yes? Not only does laughing boost your mood immensely, it's a great ab workout... sometimes my only workout. So let's all try to do a little more laughing starting now.

This picture of my sister and I is from my wedding and I absolutely love it. We're laughing our little heads off, but for a pretty embarrassing reason. The photographer was trying to get some closeups of the two of us. Out of nowhere this monsterous burp came out of me! Very ladylike on my wedding day. Totally embarrassing, but a fun picture came from it!

A while ago I wrote a timeline of my all time embarrassing moments, or remember this dreadful night of the dishwasher disaster from a few months ago? Well now it's time for you to share your funny and/or embarrassing moments. If you have one to share I'd love to hear it, and share it if it's appropriate haha. Don't be shy girls. I know many of you post about the funny things in your life. Send your stories, pictures, or links my way to jamielb_03@hotmail.com. I'll share your stories and we'll all share a laugh, and we can count it as our ab workout for the day!


Brooke T said...

oh my gosh that's hilarious! It's so funny to find out what people are laughing about in those kind of pictures.

HealBalanceLive said...

This one's for you!
