Diet Food Junkie

I read an article about diet food recently. Sometimes I feel like it's taking over. Fat free yogurt, lean cuisines, sugar free candy, sugar free ice cream, fat free cream cheese.... pretty much fat free, sugar free, low cal, and smaller serving size everything. Well after all of that, I'M STILL HUNGRY... Hungry hungry hippo-cookie monster-I need more food or I might pass out-kind of hungry. Do you know why? Because these foods do not fill you up! In the end you eat more than if you would have had the regular version.

This picture is on our way to Disney Land, and I look kind of like a bird that pecked up a wheat thin.

Exhibit A. 
Fat free Yoplait yogurt for breakfast vs. regular Greek Yogurt

Yoplait fat free yogurt is only 80 calories and will not give you the energy you need for breakfast. And sure it's fat free, but what's in fat's place? Sugar. What does sugar turn into? Fat. But the natural fat in regular yogurt is a milk product just like yogurt should be. Greek yogurt has up to 7 grams of fat per serving, but let me tell you, it is DIVINE. It's also contains much more protein and nutrition making you satisfied, and giving your body more energy. And who doesn't need more energy?

Exhibit B.
Lean Cuisine or something else for lunch

Lean Cuisines are tiny my friends. Tiny tiny tiny tiny, The size of these letters is about how much food they contain. Plus a lot of salt, and a little food. I used to take one everyday for lunch, but an hour later I'm eating an entire box of wheat things trying to fill up. I've started taking leftovers or a sandwich for lunch, plus hummus and vegetables for a snack in the afternoon. The result: I stay full longer, have more energy, and I'm not snacking near as often. 

Exhibit C.
Haagen Daz vs. sugar free sherbet

Sugar free and fat free foods are good to avoid in regular foods. Especially if it's natural, good for your fats that are getting removed. Even in desserts I think it can be better for you to go all out for the fancy schmancy higher calorie food than sticking to diet desserts. I don't know about you, but I'm bound to eat 3 times as much sugar free sherbet than if I were to eat a bit of Haagen Daz. Plus the treat part of my brain will thank me for being so kind.


Megan said...

1 word. Amen.
I've had this conversation mannnyy times lately with those around me who abide by 100 Calorie Packs, Lean Cuisine, and Diet Soda. Just say no!

I am loving your blog, girl-- I found you through Chloe's!

kristin elena. said...

holy crap greek yogurt is the best! esp w/ fresh blueberries and strawberries. i mean seriously, how could anyone pick fat free over this. crazies.