Traveling Full-Time- Is This Real Life?

"Fernweh": An ache for distant places; the craving for travel. I suffer from perpetual fernweh. Shortly after Nolan was born, we took a trip to Zion National Park. As I was hiking along with my baby in his pack, and toddler in tow, I felt extremely happy and at peace. Traveling and exploring bring me more joy than any object or activity I can think of. I wanted to take that experience.... that little adventure with my family..... and make it last forever. And then it hit me. I remember exactly where I was as we were walking through the canyon down the boardwalk, as the idea to travel full-time entered my restless brain. My husband has a job that often allows him to work from home.... could we make something crazy like that work? We casually talked about traveling full-time for a few months after that, but never too seriously. But the more I thought about it, the more consumed I became with the idea. Pretty soon all of our conversations revolved around this exciting, yet somewhat insane idea. We spent hours researching, discussing, and planning. Buy an RV? Remodel a bus? Vacation rentals? Store our things or sell them? What would we drive? International travel? Stay in the states? How would this work out financially? What would our kids miss out on? More importantly, what would our kids gain from this experience? The questions seemed endless.

The stars aligned and things are falling into place. Mark's company agreed to let him work remotely, and I have started teaching ESL online to students in China. Within 1 day of listing our house we had an offer! And now the mayhem begins. Over the next few weeks, we will be selling literally everything we own (that won't fit into our truck), and find a place to live while I finish out the school year where I work. Once summer is here, our adventure will officially begin!


Leslee said...

Oh my heck how fun!! Seriously I could see our little family doing something like that too if my husbands job could be done remotely. Enjoy every second!