I realized today it's been a while since I've had a good yoga session, and thought I would do a bit after I put Beckett to bed. Oh. my. goodness. I didn't realize it has been over a year since I've done any real yoga until 2 minutes into it and my bones and muscles were creaking and cracking like a grandma. I've always been very flexible, but for the first time in my life I couldn't touch my toes. I feel like I aged 30 years in 1. Before having Beckett my workouts were 75% working out and 25% stretching. I'm a stretching junkie. I seriously love it, but now keeping active looks a lot different than it used to. No more spin classes, long jogs, yoga classes, or weight lifting routines. I now only do things I can do with Beckett like hiking and jogging with the stroller. Because he is with me when we are done, I've casually skipped the stretching step and didn't think much of it. Well my body is angry with me and I'm starting to feel it. My legs are achy, my neck and back hurt when I wake up, and the tension in my shoulders is out of control. Like I said, I aged 30 years in 1. It's nothing a bit of yoga every day can't fix. I'm going to begin making time to do it definitely on the days I don't work, and possibly a short relaxing session before bed and on the days that I do.
And among other boring news: I began putting up fall decorations, packing summer clothes away, and getting out our winter coats and snow pants. Beckett downed almost an entire box of rice pilaf at dinner by himself. I ordered the last two years of my blog posts in a book today. My thoughts are occupied much of the time with figuring out how to expand my photography business. And I'm having the biggest craving imaginable for cream cheese frosting right now, but can not leave the house because Beckett is in bed for the night and Mark isn't here. I NEVER wake Beckett when he is sleeping, but I'm seriously considering it tonight.
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