Ruler Height Chart

Everything I have that records Beckett's two measurements taken on the day he was born are wrong. When they weighed him moments after he was born, no one believed it when they announced 7 lbs. 12 oz. The nurses thought he was much smaller. So when everyone was disagreeing with the nurse doing the weight announcement she said "Fine then, 7 lbs. 11 oz." I don't remember that part, but later my Mom told me about it and you can see in this picture that Beckett weight 7 lbs. 11.5 oz! I will always say 7/11 because that is the number that will be in my mind and I love slurpies, but here is proof that he was actually 7/12. 

I don't usually get excited about crafty projects, but when I saw this ruler height chart I got to work right away. I decided to write his height from the day he was born, and then every year on his birthday. Beckett was 20 inches long when he was born, and for some reason I wrote "1 Day Old" on the 22 inch mark. The fumes from the stain must have gotten to me. 

This project was definitely not hard. I bought the decals from Etsy and just followed the steps that came with them for preparing the board. I tried to get a good picture of Beckett standing by the board, but he is his own person these days and was not having it. He is one sassy dude and I love it. I was at a meeting for work tonight and Mark put Beckett to bed. I texted him to find out if Beckett went to sleep ok and I couldn't stop laughing when he responded and told me that he insisted on holding his bottle himself and drinking it standing up. I love that kid. He gave me the best present I could have asked for on Mother's Day and started waving goodbye. 

Here is a very random family pajama portrait of us giving Beckett his second hair cut. The Gollum hair was absolutely out of control and had to go.