I love the weekends. It seems like most nights Mark gets home from work, we eat, Beckett goes to bed, we watch a little something on Netflix, then we go to bed. Our weeknights are not too exciting. On the weekends we have the time and energy to do whatever we want. This weekend we may have bit off a little more than we could chew by taking the dogs hiking to Millcreek Canyon. It was fun, but a little wild! It definitely confirmed my hunch that we would be crazy to attempt camping with the baby and the dogs. Being in that canyon brought back so many fun memories from when we lived in an apartment and took Murphy mountain biking there several times a week. Our mountain bikes will be building up dust in the garage for a few years now. Beckett usually falls asleep the second we go outside. He was very drowsy, but awake in the great outdoors for the first time! I just wanted to show him the trees, the river, the sky.... and everything I love about nature. I suppose it will have to wait a little bit longer before I can teach him how fun it is to spend time outside!
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