Anyone seen Murphy? Or as Mark likes to call him.... Murfington?
Apparently the reason we haven't made a lot of new friends is because we didn't have a dog, not because we're weird or smell bad. I've met more people at our apartments or at the park in the past week than I have since we've been married. I feel like I'm a member of some special club now. Actually more like I'm constantly in the presence of a movie star. Everywhere I go it's, "Is that Murphy? Murphy! Hey Murphy! Look over here!" Children and adults swarm to him, and I just consider myself lucky enough to be called his friend.
Sorry if this is turning into a blog about my dog. I promise it won't be that way forever. Just think of it like a mommy blog, but a dog blog. Which is much cooler because it rhymes.
This post made me smile! Very cool, esp because it rhymes!! XO
haha so cute! =) The neighborhood kids come and knock on our door and ask if Ruger (our lab) can come out and play...that was awkward the first time it happened lol
I'm totally fine with reading about Murphy as much as you want to post about him. He is the cutest thing!
I want to know all about The Murfinator!
I've been begging the mister for a puppy I saw at the pet store last week... Perhaps making more friends would be a good bribe... Haha! You totally cracked up up with that part-- smelling bad, like dog=making new friends! Woohoo!!!
Seriously though, I want to see this pup, and live vicariously through your puppy ownership! :)
<3 MuffinLovesBiscuit
Oh man, now I know what I need to do to make more friends!
haha, it's so true! people love dogs!
love the picture of his nose sticking out of the crate. adorable. :)
Yeah you've joined a secret society now, strange people will come up to you and ask you questions about your dog that you don't know the answer to. Bruin definitely has the sit before they pet you trick down!
Hey, no shame! I post about my dog all the time. Dog are the bomb dot com! And by the way, welcome to the club. ;)
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