Les Miserables

 My parents gave Mark tickets to Les Miserables for his birthday. He absolutely loves musicals and the theater. I'm still learning to love them, but I actually really liked it! We also ate at the Blue Iguana in Salt Lake before the show.... YUM!!! I think I ate my weight in chips and salsa.

Here is my favorite song of them all. It definitely makes me cry.


-Mallori said...

hopefully Les Miserables opens the doors to you loving more musicals! I'm a fan of musicals :)

Claire said...

i LOVE musicals!! never seen Les Miserables though!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the theatre -- we are opposite here. The Husband is still trying to learn to love it lol. HE LOVED Wicked...I'm going to have to stick with Musical comedies for a bit though lol

Fran said...

I LOVE musicals, but I've actually never seen Les Mis but it's coming to Seattle in August so hopefully! :)

Unknown said...

Yay for Capital Theatre. You were right next to my work. mmmm Blue Iguana!

thetwistedruffle said...

i am super so jealous! i just read les miserables this year and fell absolutely head over heels in love with it! how was it? fabulous? i don't think it could top the phantom of the opera though....