Our first weekend in Oregon has been sunny and wonderful. It may seem like we are quite busy, but I feel like we are able to move at a very relaxed pace. We don't feel like we have to cram everything in to three days before it's time to leave, so we usually just pick one or two things a day to do, and other than that we've spent a lot of time just hanging out at the house. Other people that travel full-time say it's easy to get burned out if you're in vacation mode all the time. We have tried to just keep our same schedule as at home: 2 naps a day, bed time at 7:00, don't eat out a lot, etc..... This gives our boys some consistency, and us some sanity.
And I can't forget a quick Happy Father's Day to Mark! We spent the morning hiking at Yaquina Head Lighthouse, and this afternoon we're headed to the beach since the sun is out!

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