Strider Bike Round 2

One of my worst mom moments was definitely running over Beckett's beloved green Strider bike. He's been on a peddle bike every since, but it just isn't the same. He cruises around like a pro on flat surfaces, but can't do the dirt trails and mountain biking like he can when he has his feet to balance with. We've been hiking every day now that we're so close to the mountain and I know he will get a ton of use out of it, plus Nolan is just a few months away from being able to ride a Strider too. 

The boys spent the morning riding bikes on the deck in their PJs while I ate breakfast. There are two sets of french doors exiting the kitchen, and Nolan's one and only goal each day is to get out of them the second he has a chance. The kid wants to be outside at all times. He gets it from his Mom.