Big Boy Hair

Beckett's one year shots yesterday were the hardest by far. I didn't realize he was going to have to get 5! Not only were there more than usual, but he's so much older and aware now. As I held his little arms down, I definitely cried a little. I just had to remember that the few seconds of pain from the shots is nothing compared to the sicknesses that he is now protected from. At every appointment his growth chart has shown that he is in a high percentile in every category. I was completely surprised by his current measurements. Check out these wacky proportions: 

Height 57%
Weight 17%
Head 73%

Tall, thin, and a big head to hold his big, smart brain! 

As if shots weren't bad enough, we had to get his terrible choppy hair cut repaired. It was his first professional hair cut, and first sucker. Beckett sat on my lap and was so enthralled in the sucker he hardly noticed his hair was getting cut. But then the hair starting sticking to his sticky fingers and around his lips. By the time we were done his hair was shorter and he had grown a beard. He looks so big and handsome now. 

I'm sure no one is particularly interested in our night weaning process. But there might be someone out there as lost and confused about it as me, and this might help them. And I want to be able to refer back to what things did and didn't work with Beckett when we have another baby. We're going on to night 5 or 6 now and things are going really well. The first two nights were definitely the hardest, but now I am just slowly cutting down the time I nurse and laying him back down. He doesn't cry at all now and puts himself back to sleep just fine. I was waking around 11:30 and 3:00 before, but now the times have increased to 1:00 and 5:30ish. We usually wake up around 6:30 anyway, so I'm hoping that the second time just goes away on it's own. I've read a few thoughts from other women about how hard and sad it is when they decide to stop breastfeeding. Although it is something I am so glad I did, I don't think I will be sad to be done. It's starting to seem a little weird the older he gets. If I do feel sad, it's because he is growing up so fast, not because he is almost weaned. The thought of real ice cream is definitely motivating me.