I Have, I Want, I Need

An awesome job that I love.
The cutest stinkin' dog ever.
The worst split ends you could imagine.
A sweet snowboarding coat that I found at a garage sale for $5.00. Oh wait... make that $3.00. I just found $2.00 in the pocket. Sucka! 

My dog to come when I tell him too. He just looks at me like what is your deal woman?
To go to Ireland.
To have more patience. Sometimes I'm kind of a wacko. 
To love running. Maybe if my destination was a food court at the end I would be more willing to run?
Every awesome camera lens I see. I just drool over them. 

To laugh really hard every day.
A hair cut (as mentioned above).
My family.
To do the dishes.


Claire said...

yes, you need to go to Ireland, my hubs family are from there. Beautiful.

Steph said...

i LOVE that you just found $2 in the pocket of your jacket! bahahaha.

Unknown said...

this was such a good post! I separate these things constantly in my mind... especially the wants and needs. and of course always good to be thankful for what we have!
ps, I have THEE WORST split ends! {not trying to compare! just the worst I've ever had!} Needing a hair cut a.sap!
Happy Hump Day!
{would you mind if I copied this idea and just linked to you for a post?}