Guess Where We're Going?


To this place....

I absolutely love Southern Utah. Some of my favorite memories are the dozens of trips my family has taken there. Minus the time that my best friend and I went by ourselves and nearly died in a flash flood. No joke. We lost all my Dad's camping gear and were pretty shaken up. Guess we weren't as tough as we thought going off camping on our own! We finished the trip staying in a hotel and still had a lot of fun, but it's not something I ever want to repeat!

Goodbye work, goodbye makeup, goodbye cell phone, goodbye shower, goodbye city!
Hello sun, hello red rocks, hello sleeping under the stars, hello camp fires, hello hiking, hello road trip!


Swirls of Happy said...

I love southern Utah also. Have a blast :)

Claire said...

wooooo love camping and that looks beautiful!

Anna said...

Oh my gosh I want to go!

Tricia said...

Have fun! I hope the bugs where you are aren't nearly as horrible as the bugs where I am. If so make sure you layer on the bug spray!

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous!! I've only been down to arches once when I was a baby, so hopefully I can convince my husband to get down there this summer!

Unknown said...

Have SO much fun! I'm going camping in the Redwoods pretty soon. I hope it's as fabulous as the pictures.

Whim Wham Life said...

So fun! I love the great outdoors:-) Enjoy enjoy enjoy! xoxo