The Newest Addition To Our Family

Mountain Bikes!!!!

Did you think I was going to say a baby or a puppy? Hahaha no way jose. We obviously didn't go for a ride in the mountains, but it was fun testing out our new bikes. Utah has so many fun mountain biking trails, I can't wait until we get go. First we need to get a bike rack for our car. It was quite the site to see on the way home from buying the bikes. Me sitting backwards in the backseat, hanging onto to two tangled up bikes holding on for dear life as they dangled half way out the trunk. 


black tag diaries said...

now this is how rumors get started... love the new babies;)

Claire said...

Haha love it! x

Leslee said...

Pretty sure that one year where gas prices went up.....ok so the first time gas prices were out of control.....a few years ago.... My husband wanted a scooter or motercycle to save on gas....... some how we ended up with two mountain bikes instead. I'm not going to lie though, we have had some pretty wicked adventures on our bikes! we should all go some time. there are some great trails!! I blogged about it in May of 2008 if you want to check it out. GO MOUNTAIN BIKES!! WOOT WOOT!

Kira said...

We added a new addition this weekend as well. A houseplant. Mountain bikes sound like more fun.

sarah nicole said...

Fun! I need to get my bike tuned up and take it out for a spin.



Unknown said...

That is awesome! I need to practice riding bikes stat, but I don't have one...I'm glad you or the bikes didn't fall off of the back of your car!