And Then They Were Married...

A Brief Love Story About Us

Boy meets girl. Girl is quiet and new to high school. Boy thinks girl is cute.

A few years later-
Girl thinks boy is cute. They watch Face on a Milk Carton and kiss afterwards. Not a very romantic movie, but this will be a memory forever cherished by both. They are still young and do not fall in love yet.

Girl goes to college in Idaho. Boy and girl date many other people, but always remember Face on a Milk Carton night.

Boy sends random text message to girl after years of not talking. They miss each other.

Girl runs into boy while on a road trip with friend. Girl gets butterflies and tells friend how much she used to like boy.

Girl is home during a break at college. She sees boy at gym. They chat and flirt, followed by dinner at Cafe Rio. Boy impresses girl by making a smiley face on his bib with salsa. They spend time together until girl goes back to college.

They begin talking to each other everyday, and soon start to visit each other every weekend. This takes lots of time and gas money, but boy and girl do not care. Boy and girl fall madly in love.

Girl graduates college.

Boy proposes to girl. Girl says YES!

Boy and girl get married!

They live happily ever after...


HealBalanceLive said...

So beautiful... and touching... and romantic...It's like The Notebook

Mama Walker said...

I love a good LOVE story

Sherylen said...

You are so cute! I read your blog all the time! I just never comment. Sorry.

Jamie Walker said...

I know it was very touching haha