Healthy Chocolate Banana Smoothie

I love peanut butter.... mmm I'm eating it right now as I type. And I really love the peanut butter smoothie at Jamba Juice, there's just one down side: THE CALORIES!!! Yipes! I may as well get a shake from Leatherby's (I wish I was eating this right now as I type). I've made my own little healthier version of the delicious smoothie from the land of PB love. I want to start sharing some of the more unique recipes I love to use, the only problem is I don't really measure things as I cook..... especially if I make it up on my own. So these measurements are very rough, but you'll want to make it to your own taste anyway.

-1 1/2 C milk (I usually use skim but vanilla soy is also very tasty!)
-Hand full of ice cubes ("Hand full" will become a common measurement you will see as I share more recipes. Don't let this scare you, it's very precise)
-2 blobs of peanut butter (roughly 2 TBS)
-1 banana
-Squirt of Hershey's chocolate syrup (I don't like mine very chocolaty so you may want to do 2 squirts!)

Blend it all up and it's done! I make mine pretty liquidy, but the more ice cubes you add the thicker it will be. I've thought about adding plain greek yogurt to make it creamy rather than icy, but I haven't done it yet. If you try it let me know how it tastes!