My Blog is About to Become 100 Times Better

I always have blog envy when I see other people's blogs who possess not only great photography skills, but a great camera. I do not know about my photography skills, and I definitely do not have a great camera, but that is about to change. Mark is getting really interested in landscape photography and I've always wanted to do all sorts of photography. We're going to Oregon in October and what a perfect time to practice..... the scenery there is incredible! Photography seems like a very expensive hobby, but for now we're just starting out with the basics. We found a great deal on Amazon and I can't wait for the camera to come! The only problem is Mark and I might fight over it haha.

I'm not really interested in doing bridal shots, weddings, senior pictures, ect..... and especially not interested in doing prego shots. There are already so many people out there doing those things. I want to be able to capture real moments in people's lives, nature, and the world. If you pose in front of my camera I won't take your picture.

Some of you already know this, but I can not wait for winter to come. It's the most beautiful season and it never lasts long enough. I'm always excited for summer to come, but I'm even more excited when it's over. Fall is almost here which means it's time to wax my snowboard and start looking for good deals on lift tickets! Hopefully I've figured out the basics of taking great pictures by the first day it snows. COME ON SNOW!!!!


Mandy said...

A fact probably not know to you or Mark--I love nature photography and have even put together my own little "portfolio" I love it--now if I could only figure out a way to make money off it?!?

ps I love nature shots but am a huge sucker for old barns and buildings!

Jamie Walker said...

That's so cool! You have to show us some of your pictures!