18 Things That Bug

I generally try to keep things on a positive note when I write on my blog, but if something (or several somethings) is bugging you sometimes you just have to let it out.

18 Things that bug:
  1. Blow drying my hair.
  2. Getting into a hot car.
  3. If the person turning left in front of you would have chosen not to drive like Old Man River, you could have made it through the light too before it turned red. 
  4. When you get all ready to go to the gym, finally make it there (which is the hardest part) and you forget something essential to your workout like your shoes or iPod. 
  5. When there is a hair stuck on your clothes and it's tickling you to death, but no matter what you can't find it. 
  6. Finding a song you absolutely love, but then it gets played on the radio so much you grow to hate it. 
  7. People who talk to themselves. Well it's not so much talking out loud. Thinking out loud doesn't bug so much, but when they're having a conversation with themselves by asking questions and then answering them.... cookoo. 
  8. Shaving your legs and immediately getting goosebumps.
  9. People who get mad at you for doing your job and you end up apologizing when really they should be apologizing for being a mean jerk face. 
  10. Getting all ready to make the perfect dinner and then finding your missing one ingredient (this sucks even more when you don't know any of your neighbors so you have no choice but to go to the store). 
  11. When someone sits right next to you on public transportation even when there are other seats available.
  12. People who are mean to animals.
  13. When someone interrupts you when you're telling a story and then they continue to tell you their story and then ask you in an uninterested tone to continue on with your story when they are finished talking.
  14. Being asked my telephone number/account number after I already entered it in using the keypad on my phone. I thought I was supposed enter that info to "better assist me".
  15. When ice cream drips out of the bottom of my sugar cone.
  16. Wobbly tables. 
  17. PeOpLe WhO tYpE LiKe ThIs.
  18. Guys calling other guys "bra" when A. He's not your brother and B. We all know what a bra really is.  
Phew.... I feel much better. Thank you for letting me get it out. 


Glori Olsen said...

Very funny post! Hope you are doing well.

HealBalanceLive said...

Love the new look, very fun!

Jamie Walker said...

Thanks guys! Glory your blog cracks me up, your little boy looks like such a sweetheart that can be such a menace haha.

Giselle Rasheta said...

Hahaha. Thanks for a bright shiny beginning to my morning. Venting always makes me laugh. :)