What I Promised I Wouldn't Write

I promised myself I was NOT telling hardly anyone about this, let alone writing about it on my blog! But everyone already knows I'm a little crazy so I guess it won't hurt to write about it. If anything, maybe everyone can learn from my experience, weather it's good or bad.

I already shared the story of my 24 hour eating disorder when my roommate and I tried the lemon-detox diet. It ended in a large pizza and lots of laughs. Since then I've been living off of healthy food, daily treats (to keep my sanity), and exercise. I think I've gone a little crazy again....... I'm going to try the HCG Diet. Some people do it for several weeks or months. I don't think I have 100's of pounds to lose and I just want to test it out so I'm doing it for 15 days. The weirdest thing about all of this? Mark is doing it too. I'm not going to explain the entire diet, but if you want to read about it click on the link above. My goal: Lose 15 pounds.

HCG Day 1

After breakfast I took my first 6 drops under my tongue. People that do the shots must be crazy because I was scared of the drops! It burned a little like mouthwash but after a few seconds they absorb and it actually leaves a fairly sweet taste in your mouth!

I went to the store and loaded up on strawberries, oranges, apples, spinach, lettuce, chicken, and beef. Also, all natural lotion, make up, chapstick and deodorant. This is basically all my body will consume in the next two weeks, besides days 1 and 2. 

The first two days of the HCG Diet are called the "loading days". I refer to them as the best two days of my life! The goal? Eat as much fat as possible.

Breakfast- Banana and yogurt (I couldn't bring myself to eat anything out of my normal routine yet).
Lunch- Pizza and a cupcake.
Dinner- Player's Sports Grill. Oreo shake, artichoke dip, Chipotle Guacamole Burger, fries and one bite of another cupcake.

Ick. I. FEEL. FULL. Obviously I ate a lot of junk, but I truly feel like I've consumed 9328 calories. The HCG makes you feel full, so the HCG combined with my manly couch potato diet makes me feel gross gross gross. From what I read (and I've read a lot!) the loading days are very important. It takes a lot of self control to eat all of these yummy foods, but if it's what the diet requires I'll try my hardest.

Last night Mark and his friends went to Mesquite. They left at midnight and came back around 8:00 AM, needless to say he didn't come back rich haha. Mark's parents are staying with us also! After the boys slept the morning away we played some tennis and then everyone went to dinner at Players. I didn't have much of an appetite and I was just craving a salad, but I ordered the fattiest things possible and I savored every last calorie. I'm sure day 7 I'll be absolutely begging for an Oreo shake!