HCG Day 4

Yesterday's weight lost- 1 pound
Total weight lost- 4.2 pounds

Yesterday I discovered asparagus. Who would have known that something that looked like the antennas from the grasshoppers on bugs life would taste so good? I broiled it for 12 minutes with loads of garlic and salt... I LOVED it. Today I discovered sugar free candy. I only had two pieces because I felt a bit guilty! I've also been making strawberry smoothies so that I feel like I'm having treats here and there. I can't survive without treats! I think the HCG has totally kicked in. I'm starting to feel really stuffed after lunch and dinner. I did cheat with a few extra melba crackers yesterday, but I got hungry before bed and I made a promise that I'm not going to let myself feel starved.

I asked Mark to stop HCG because he was a grouchy bear! I like my husband much better when he is full. I never asked him to go on it in the first place, but I just think 500 calories and a hormone found in women isn't the best thing for guys!


michael. mindy. dane. said...

You are crazy! I could never do this diet..I would rather die! But..if it works, awesome! I LOVE asparagus. It is one of my very favorite vegetables. However, I eat mine with butter and salt. Try it that way! (after HCG of course) :)

krystale said...

you felt guilty for eating a vegetable... this diet is nutz

Jamie Walker said...

You guys it's really not that hard for some reason! And you know me I LOOOOOVE food!!! But I felt guilty for the candy not the veggies silly!

Emily said...

Jamie, you are too funny. I don't even know what a melba cracker is. But it sounds like you are doing a great job on your diet. I have heard good things about the HCG, too. I don't know if I would brave it, though. However, I didn't know until you said it that you could take drops rather than shots! I guess that makes it less scary. Haha.

Jamie Walker said...

Oh gosh I would die if I had to take the shots! It's just six drops under your tongue six times a day so I just set an alarm in my phone every 3 hours. I never knew what a Melba Cracker is either, but they aren't bad!