
My family is staying at Hotel Walker this weekend. We've never had 5 people stay with us before and with a two bedroom apartment it's kind of like a clown car at the circus, especially with my little brothers. When I was trying to make dinner I realized that I definitely do not have enough counter space for large meals and lots of people. The hardest part was I don't even have a table big enough! I like to cook, but I don't like cleaning up after dinner even now when there is only two of us. I saw into the future when we have Mark and Jamie juniors running around and there's five times as many dishes! I don't know how all of you Mom's do it. I just pray that by the time we have a family to feed we have a bigger dining table and a house! 

I had two great surprises today:

My family made a book for us of all our wedding pictures for our anniversary. I've been meaning to have one made for so long, but my Mom did such a good job I love it! 

I love when Mark does the grocery shopping because he always buys all sorts of treats that I would never buy. If I buy unhealthy food I feel guilty for buying it, but if Mark buys unhealthy food I feel guilty for not doing my fair share of eating it before it goes bad. Well Mark surprised me with the best treat of all today. When I got home from work there were three large black and white pictures hanging above our bed. I've been wanted to find something for our room for so long and Mark found the perfect pictures. He also bought new shower curtains for both our bathrooms. This may not be exciting news to you, but now that I'm all wifey and stuff I get excited by things like new shower curtains, fancy kitchen cleaners, colorful dishes, and my own washing machine. 


Mama Walker said...

Good job Mark!! Have a great time with your family Jamie. I'm so glad they are there! Miss you guys lots