Mean Mrs. Walker

I'm the youngest person that works at the school, and most of the students don't believe I have even graduated from college. That doesn't negatively affect their opinion of me though, if anything they think I'm that much cooler because I'm closer to their age. Well today I feel the oldest I have ever felt. Perhaps that is because I am the oldest I have ever been. What I'm trying to say is I realized today how old I am getting because of the things I sometimes do. See, I'm even rambling.

I remember in elementary school there was this teacher that always called all the students by their last name, and I hated it. I felt like it was impersonal, rude, and in my third grade mind it meant she was a bad teacher. I feel like using last names is something only gym teachers and coaches can do. Today I came to understand that "impersonal and bad" teacher. I went outside at the end of the day when cars and students are flooding through the parking lot. Because I'm in charge of transportation it's my biggest fear that someone is going to get hit when school gets out. Two boys went charging across the parking lot, 20 ft from the crosswalk, as a car was entering and nearly smooshed them. I couldn't remember their names, but I know their Mom so all I could to think to yell was "Smith boys! Come here!" I changed their last name for my story of course, but the point here is how old and mean I sounded as those words came out of my mouth. I'm now making a double effort to learn all the students first names so I never have to do that again.


Mama Walker said...

Welcome to the mean old grown up world!!

HealBalanceLive said...

Hee Hee it is true what they turn into your mother!!

melissa said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i love you!!!!!!!!!