We woke up in the mood for a little hiking today, but the trails we had in mind in the mountains were too cold, and honestly a little steep for me and my cardiovascular capabilities these days. Antelope Island is the perfect place to go for solitude, flat trails, and a gorgeous winter day. Although it was pretty short, it was the first hike we've been on in years that we didn't take the pack for Beckett to ride in. He hiked by himself and climbed all the rocks like a little mountain goat.
And on an off topic note, I'm going in for a growth ultrasound in a few weeks. This belly is measuring a bit on the big side, about one week ahead of where I'm supposed to be. I knew it! And I was relieved to hear that the weight I've gained so far is all baby and not those bowls of ice cream I've started eating every night. I'll be going in for an ultrasound to measure how big the baby actually is, and possibly adjust my due date. At my 20 week ultrasound they noticed some cysts on the baby's brain, which can be an indicator of down syndrome. Because it is very common and everything else measured normally, they said it was probably nothing to worry about and that the cysts most often go away after a few weeks. We'll be able to check on that at this ultrasound just to make sure they are gone, but I'm not feeling too worried about it. I'm mostly hoping to hear that the baby is not going to be 10 pounds or something, and an earlier due date would be nice too!
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