End of the Second Trimester- 27 Weeks

This is the last week of my second trimester, and also the last week of work before Christmas break! I keep debating if I'm going to attempt potty training again over the holidays (seems like it could be disastrous), or if I should just wait until March when I'm home for 5 months on maternity leave (thank you summer). I feel like I should be well into my third trimester already because it seems a little early for my body to be so uncooperative already. I don't really remember having a hard time rolling over in bed or getting up off the floor even at the end of being pregnant with Beckett, but I already feel like I'm grunting and groaning and having the hardest time doing so many things. If I feel this way now, I'm a little nervous about how I'll be feeling three months from now. I've gained 10 pounds so far, but it seems like a lot more. 

Beckett has been doing surprisingly well in his new bed. He goes to sleep easier now than he did in his crib. The bed time routine was nearing 45 minutes some nights just to get him calm enough to lay down in his crib. Now we read a story and sing songs for about 10 minutes. He's only gotten out of his bed a couple of times and it usually just takes a reminder to stay in bed and one more song then he'll goes to sleep no problem. I'm really glad because I had started to dread bed time. Let's hope it lasts. 

Now that Beckett's room is put together and our room has been moved to the basement (yay walk in closet!), I started putting the baby's stuff away today. I could not believe how little those clothes were, and I definitely couldn't believe that Beckett used to be that tiny. I still think of him as my baby, but when he picked up one of the newborn onesies he suddenly seemed like Goliath. It was all oohs and aahs and a walk down memory lane.... until I pulled my pump out. Just the thought of pumping made me shudder. At least this time I will have several months at home to get nursing figured out instead of just a few weeks like last time. 

I've been having way more contractions this time than I did at 27 weeks before. Sometimes they are really quite strong, and sometimes I have so many in the evenings that I start watching the clock to make sure they don't get too close together. My doctor said not to worry unless they are 10 minutes apart or less. I know these contractions are normal, but having so many of them makes me think that this baby is going to come early. I really want to make it to my due date, especially because I swear the later babies are born, the happier they are. Stay in there little dude.