What's In The Bag?

In every girl's purse you will usually find several of the same items: wallet, lotion, lip gloss, gum, and car keys. Well here's what's in mine: all of the items mentioned above, 3 packs of gum, my journal, and a can opener. Yes that's right, a can opener. I took mandarin oranges to work today and they weren't in the fancy kind of can. What crazy things are lurking in the depths of your purse? If you clean it out you might be surprised! Last month I had a sock and a fork......


Brooke T said...

haha that's awesome you have a can opener in there! I've got diapers, wipes, napkins, wallet, hand sanitizer, and who else knows.. ha

Unknown said...

Ooh oohh...I have a spoon in mine!

sasha said...

until recently i had candles in my purse. you know those number candles? yeah, i had a 2 and a 5. believe it or not, they came in handy few times! ;)

i also carry a pair of socks all the time during this cold winter. and snacks. i ALWAYS have snacks in my purse. i'm like a kid. haha....

Anonymous said...

Love that can opener! Haha :)

Megan said...

hii!! just popping over from across the pond. thank you for the sweet comment on my blog! I highly recommend the indoor night time picnic :) xx

amyschmamey said...

I like that you take a can opener in your purse. Thumbs up. I don't have anything weird in my purse. At all.

Unknown said...

At least it hadn't been long since you put the can opener in your purse. Everytime I do that it ends up staying in there forever. I'm scared to clean out my purse, it's like a black hole at this point.

Markett said...

I love ,,what is in my bag" articles
! :) Cute stuff...