Beauty Products

Ok guys, this is nutso. Have you ever counted how many beauty products and toiletries you use in just one day? I don't think of myself as high maintenance, but now I'm starting to wonder. I can't imagine how much money I would be saving if there was just one does-it-all beauty product. I counted that I use 18 products a day! I've got to down size, but if I cut out toothpaste green fog would come out each time I spoke, if I cut out hairspray I'll look like Whoopi Goldberg, and what would I do without my avocado firming mask? Ok maybe that one can go, but the rest are pretty much essentials. 

If you were stranded on an island for a month and could only bring one product what would it be? I might shrivel up and turn into a cracky alligator without lotion. I would choose that and hope I could sneak in tooth paste somehow. 


Unknown said...

So I counted my products the other day and, if I include my toothpaste, I use nine total. Of course, I don't look quite as fabulous as you... maybe I should go out and get some more.

If I were going to be stuck on a deserted island, I would definitely take my lotion, which has SPF included. A toothbrush would be fashioned out of a stick for sure though.

Joey Joe said...
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Joey Joe said...
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Rachel said...

I use so so so many. It's ridonkulous. And one time my teacher told us that if we had to live on a deserted island and choose between a toothbrush and floss, we should pick the floss. eh. i'd still go with a toothbrush.

[Stacia] said...

Chapstick. It would have to be chapstick. (Or vaseline) That could double as lotion and chapstick.
And I don't even want to count. :)

Jamie Walker said...

Oh yeah I like that they double as one! Maybe I'll start doing that all the time to reduce the number of things I have to buy haha.