Our First Stop

Slowly, but surely, our adventure has officially begun! We moved out of our house over the weekend. Mark and I caught the flu, so needless to say, moving/cleaning day was ROUGH. If it hadn't been for getting sick, it would have been the easiest moving day ever. There was no heavy lifting, and everything fit into our cars! Our rental in Ogden wasn't available until a week after our closing date, so we are currently staying at our first stop: my parents. Ha! They are very kind to let our crazy circus take over their house for a few days.

When we left our house, Beckett didn't seem to mind at all. He said, "Goodbye house! We are going on our adventure now! And we won't be coming back!" I thought I was going to shed a tear or two, but I was so focused on not feeling well, that I was just happy to get to my parent's so I could rest. It was a pretty anti-climatic goodbye to our first house. Our last night there was spent in our sleeping bags on the floor in the basement because our beds had been picked up. It was a very fitting last memory. There wasn't anything about that house that I was crazy about, but I loved it dearly because of all the memories we had there. 

Find a new job working remotely: check
Sell all of our belongings: check
Sell our house: check
Sell our motorcycle: check
Line up several months of vacation rentals: check

Now all we have left to do is sell both cars, and find the perfect truck to buy before June.