Happy One Week Birthday!

A few post pregnancy thoughts.....
  • Although I'm spending a good thirty minutes every three hours to feed him, I feel like I still have more time in the day than I did when I was pregnant because I'm not going to the bathroom every 5 seconds. I may even be getting better sleep.
  • I realized I went three hours without eating and didn't feel like I was going to pass out. I can actually leave the house without taking 5 water bottles with me anymore. I'm no longer a slave to food, water, and the bathroom! 
  • For whatever reason I had in mind that I was hoping to stay under 170 lbs during my pregnancy. I weighed 170 lbs exactly the day I checked in at the hospital. 3 days after having him I weighed 160 lbs, but I was retaining so much water I'm surprised I didn't weigh 200 lbs. Mark was there while I was in labor and hasn't mentioned that it was gross or hard to watch once, but the second he saw my legs I thought he was going to throw up haha. Today (1 week after) I weigh 148 lbs. 8 lbs to go! 
  • I knew I wanted to try nursing, but I was fully prepared that I might not succeed because it was either creepy or super painful. It has been neither. I had two nurses help me at first, which didn't go super well. When they brought him to me in the middle of the night the first time he latched on so easily. I think it's because I wasn't stressed and I could try what felt natural to me, rather than what they wanted me to do. I now understand why people say that they loved nursing. I used to just think they were really weird. 
  • Recover has been a little rough, but I'm starting to get around better. It turns out the reason every new Mom raves about her Bobby Pillow isn't because it makes nursing easier, it's because she can sit on it. 
  • Beck has now had two baths. The first one wasn't planned, but necessary due to poo explosion all over Dad (hehe). 
  • Yesterday we tried out the binky for the first time. The lactation lady said we should wait at least a month or he may get confused, but I gave it a little try anyway and so far it's been great! 
  • He has a bit of Jaundice that we go to the hospital to get checked every couple of days. He spends a lot of time laying naked by the window and it seems to be helping. Hopefully he doesn't have to lay in the baby tanning bed. 
  • I'm so grateful for all the visitors that have stopped by and the meals that have been brought over. It's wonderful to just be able to focus on feeding my little guy as we get a good routine down, and not have to worry about cooking too! 
  • Mark has been the best Dad I could ever imagine already. He has been a natural from day one. He changed all the diapers in the hospital (I got out of that bed as little as possible), and always burps him after he eats. Although he insisted on getting up with me the first few nights, I'm now able to do it on my own. He goes back to work next week and I don't see a reason for him to get up since I'm the only one that can feed him. Mark's voice is the first one I really saw Beckett respond to. It seems to calm him down instantly and you can see that he loves his Dad already.