Can't Live Without Yoga

I have been on a bit of a yoga dry spell. My body has been achy and gaining weight faster than you can blow up a balloon. I have been running a tiny bit (like 1/2 a block) and eating the same so I couldn't figure out what was so different. I realized that I have done yoga in months. Because I'm getting rid of my gym membership, and doing yoga at home with Murphy is as ridiculous as coating yourself in honey and walking into a bear's den expecting to be left alone, I have kind of forgotten about it. This past weekend I gave Murph a peanut butter filled kong and attempted some glorious Saturday morning yoga. It was a success, and I felt amazing.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • My legs, core, and arms get much stronger.
  • My boobs shrink!
  • It's some serious relaxation for the mind and body.
  • I'm more flexible.
  • My back and shoulders don't get so tense throughout the week.
  • I basically feel like I left the spa when I'm done, combined with the wonderful edorphined feeling of a work out. 


Lara Kennard said...

I agree! Yoga is the BEST!