Come Back To Me

I sure wish these things would come back.... and even if some of them don't come back in style, I might bring them back anyway.
  • Scrunchies- Such a functional item. Cute bracelet/wrist accessorie, and not only does it hold your hair in a pointy tail, it actually makes your pony tail have more body than a rubber band because it's so puffy. 
  • Shirt ring things- I have no idea what these are really called. You know the plastic circular items that you could tuck oversize shirts into? How could you not want to wear an oversize shirt? It's comfy, it hides anything you want to hide, and it looks cute when you tuck it into a shirt right thing. Also, everyone can share clothes because one size fits all!
  • TGIF- Family Matters, Step by Step.... TV is just going downhill these days. 
  • Tying your flannel long sleeve shirt around your waste. This serves two purposes: hides ugly pant pockets, and when it gets cold you automatically can transform your outfit into a warm one. 
  • Slap bracelets- These are so awesome, I don't think I need to even elaborate on the reasons why fashion is just not the same without them.  
  • Zots and Kablueys- Something about dying your entire mouth blue and filling it with fizzing candy is just too fun. 


JoHanna said...

hey I saw a slap wrist watch in Canada, I guess I should have bought it for you :)

Steph said...

i have NO clue what zots and kablueys are. but they sound AWESOME.

Kimberlee said...

Just today I bought my daughter a couple slap braclets. Your wish, my dear, is my command. Slap braclets are so back in style.

Faith said...

ahhh, i remember when TGIF meant television, haha. seriously, TV is not the same anymore!!!

Leslee said...

Hey Just so you know Slap Braclets ARE still in style....just Run a Ragnar :) You get to Slap the Braclet on to the Next Runner after you have run your leg. You wont like Slap Braclets once you've finished though.....they aren't something that should be shared when you are running with one on. They get a bid sweaty... But needless to say.....they still exist :)