Murphy Murph

Murphy is not your typical 3 month old puppy. We think he was abused before someone found him and took him to the shelter. He doesn't like anyone walking behind him so he always turns to make sure he can see you. He gets very scared when you approach him to pick him up, but once he's in your arms he'll relax and fall asleep. I can't imagine anyone every hurting such a sweet little guy. It's going to take some time before he will trust us, but I'm so glad we were able to get him! 


Steph said...

he's adorable! :)

-Mallori said...

I'm sorry that it may be a possibility to be abused and/or abandoned, but I know you and Mark will be great parents! I love all the pictures!

Claire said...

oh what a lucky little puppy he is to have found you :)

Kira said...

He is so sweet. I just love puppies!

Unknown said...

He is so cute! I am sure once he realizes y'all are there to love and take care of him, those memories will fade. He is such a sweet looking pup and he is so lucky to have such loving parents =)

PS: Based on his paws, he looks like he is not going to be small lol!

Amber said...

He's super cute. Our dog was terrified to be in the room with Nate when we got him. It was sad. It took a while but he gradually got used to him. It is so sad when people get pets and don't care for them.

Amanda said...

oh my looks like we are going to have to get our giants together to play :) So cute!

Anonymous said...

My parents picked up a dog a year ago that was abused and abandoned. She was extremely jumpy and ran from everyone. It took them 6 months to get her to come to us willingly. Another 2 months for her to figure out we were not going to leave her in the backyard and never come back. And it took her just recently, one year mark, to stop ducking her head down when you pet her head. Keep working with the pup, it will warm up to you eventually. But will always have that fear in it. I know my parents dog still does.

Unknown said...

He's SO cute. I can't imagine hurting a dog. Hopefully he will be more comfortable as he realizes what awesome owners he has.