Brown Bag Apple Pie

My roommate Shelley used to make this Apple Pie all the time. The recipe I found didn't turn out as good as hers though. Mark was quite happy when I told him on of my goals this summer is to make the perfect apple pie and it may involve a lot of trial and error. 

Cooking the pie in a brown bag is supposed to keep the apples extra juicy and not let the crust burn. When I asked the bagger at the store for one brown bag and the rest plastic he gave me an odd look. I explained that I needed it for a recipe I was making. That seemed to satisfy his curiosity and he began bagging my groceries. About 90 second later when I was paying he said, "you don't eat the bag do you?" 

Next time I'm going to try a real crust on top instead of the crumbly yumminess, and green apples instead of red. For my first attempt I think things turned out pretty good though! If you have any award winning, mind blowing apple pie recipes send them my way please!


Mizdragonfly said...

Looks delish! I love to cook desserts, never tried apple pie though...


Kira said...

It looks really good!

When the checker asked you if you were going to eat the bag, were they serious or joking? I can't imagine someone seriously asking that question. So silly.

Mary Nevin said...

genius, i'm thinking i may have to go make some apple pie :)

Unknown said...

oh summer fruit pies! Two years ago my friend and I started making pies. We made like 3 peach pies before we got the crust and everything to turn out good. I've never heard of baking it in a brown bag, but we put tin foil over the edges to stop them from burning.