One Down Four To Go


Kira said...

That is a great question. Mondays are always hard.

Faith said...

seriously?! why?! ugh.

Pia said...

Ha! Love this! :)

Leslee said...

Maybe it's like the fact that some people's IQ is so off the charts that it's closer to being stupid but they are considered Genius? Some things we just may never know.... I do know that Mondays Suck that is for sure!

caz said...

That is my sentiments exactly!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a suggestion for my road trip! Not so sure about going to a testicle farm tho I am somewhat intrigued.. (it's the CSI lover in me).. *ahem*

Good luck for your upcoming move!!

Mrs. Biscuit said...

Haha! What a great question! I saw your comment on Caz's blog about the testicle farm... I don't know about a farm, but when I was 17 my dad and I drove through the Testicle Festival! It was insane... I was too chicken to try anything but we did buy shirts! Haha!

<3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

Tricia said...

Ummm this comment totally gets me and my Monday mornings.