My Biggest Fears

Some of these are scary to most people, some of them you will find funny, but all of them are my biggest fears.

  • Whenever I go out to eat I swear they hang the lights so low to your table. I always wonder what if it fell off the ceiling and knocked me out, my face lands in the Queso where I suffocate and I die.
  • Leaches...... shutter...... ugh..... leaches.
  • Accidentally sending my boss a text or e-mail meant for someone else.
  • I read an article about women who don't want kids. I currently fall into that category but figure it will end some day..... until I read that this lady who is 48 and perfectly happy she didn't have kids, never played with dolls when she was a little girl because she preferred to be painting or doing art projects. I never played with dolls and I was obsessed with art and playing outside...... What if I always only have boy instincts and not maternal ones!
  • Child labor.
  • My car breaking down and my cell phone is dead. I can't remember anyone else's number to call for help because I've grown accustomed to storing phone numbers and never bothering to learn them (including my husband's). 
  • Having ugly hair and thinking it looks good. 
  • Not spending our money wisely.
  • Being too old do the things I love. 
  • My roommate Melissa told me about when she was eating yogurt. As she brought a spoonful close to her mouth a tiny worm thing emerged out of the yogurt and stood up on her spoon. I never eat yogurt without thinking about that.