Why my Mom is so Great

I didn't write much about my Mom on Mother's Day and I got to thinking how I have the best Mom! I know everyone has the best mom, but mine is like super cool. Let me share...
  • She used to take my friends and I toilet papering at 2 AM and she was the getaway car. 
  • She takes time to listen to me vent and stress, and then at the appropriate moment she gives me the best advice. 
  • She packs clothes and food for a family of 6 and takes us camping in the freezing cold, even more impressive when she had a baby! 
  • She doesn't ever complain about playing taxi driver and driving my siblings all over the state of Utah.
  • She is beautiful. 
  • She cooks the craziest things with the craziest ingredients and they are crazy good! 
  • She home schooled 4 kids.  
  • And she has chickens. Need I say more?
The list could go on forever, but these are just a few of the reasons my Mom is so great! 


HealBalanceLive said...

Thanks James, you're the best!